The story of Caster Semenya and her clear persecution at the hands of the track and field powers that be shines a clear light on the greatest of all barriers in human sport. In her instance, because her body's intersex mutation presumably produces hormones and body structure that give her a perceived advantage over her more normal competitors, the sore losers cry foul. The simple truth is that her opponents did not try hard enough, and the nut sack hiding somewhere in there is only sitting a foot or two lower than a heart as big as a room. This entire argument is only scratching the surface of the real problem, the sexual segregation of athletics. It started in the backwards era of false modesty, when "the weaker sex" sat on the sidelines confined to the role of nurses, widows and hapless victims whilst the men would go a'warring with cavalier abandon, thumbing the noses at bodies just as ripe for cannon fodder left to lay fallow. In what we call more civilized times, even as children we are indoctrinated, sent to changing rooms cruelly separating boys from girls.
We as a sport loving populous need to tear down this wall between male and female competition. There need not be an WNBA, only an NBA, where men and women alike are free to compete and thrive together. Finally women will have access to the major sponsorship dollars available to the "boy's club" of professional football. Think of the money University athletic departments would save when there are no woman's and men's clubs, only "the team". Usain Bolt is fastest man in the world sure, but what about the fastest human?
For that matter, down with the special olympics, let those kids compete with their brothers and sisters who have as much right to be there as they do. There can be nothing more honest and more pure than a completely level playing field, and we all have a responsibility to help overcome these artificial and bigoted boundaries. There will come a time, perhaps in our lifetimes, where a man, a woman, or anything that walks or crawls in between can just pick up a discus and let 'er rip, and by god let the best creature win.
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